Τετάρτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2014



The annual Corfu Beer Festival starts next week on 8th October in Arillas and is free to enter. Specially brewed beers from the UK and a range of Corfu-Beers will be on sale during the festival alongside some great food.

Wednesday 8th starts the five-day entertainment programme with some great dancing from Greece and the UK (including the Hammersmith Morris Men dancers and Celtic Storm). The first night kicks off an amazing “feature band” schedule for the festival with the Mojo Bunch Blues Band (a new band from Corfu with a varied mix of day-time jobs and careers including marketing, pharmacy and farming who formed their group through a love of blues and rock music, feeling the need to do something different).

Dates: Wednesday 8th – Sunday 12th October
Time: 6.00 pm – until late
Venue: Corfu-Beer Microbrewery, Arillas, Corfu
See the full programme on Corfu Beer Festival 2014 Programme

Sign up for our newsletter by emailing us on info@corfubeerfest.gr or following the link on www.corfubeerfest.gr


Η ετήσιο Corfu Beer Festival ξεκινά την επόμενη εβδομάδα, στις 8 Οκτωβρίου στο Αρίλλα και οι πύλες είναι ελεύθερες για όλους. Ειδικού τύπου μπύρες από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και μία νέα μπύρα από την Κερκυραϊκή Μικροζυθοποιϊα θα πωλούνται κατά τη διάρκεια του φεστιβάλ μαζί με κάποια πολύ καλά πιάτα.

Την Τετάρτη 8 ξεκινά το πρόγραμμα ψυχαγωγίας των πέντε ημερών με κάποιους από τους καλύτερους χορούς από την Ελλάδα και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των Hammersmith Morris Mens και τους Celtic Storm). Η πρώτη νύχτα ξεκινά το πρόγραμμα του φεστιβάλ με μία χαρακτηριστική μπάντα τους Mojo Bunch Blues Band (μια νέα μπάντα από την Κέρκυρα προερχόμενη από ανθρώπους από ένα ποικίλο φάσμα θέσεων εργασίας και σταδιοδρομίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων της εμπορίας, της φαρμακευτικής και της γεωργίας, σχηματίζοντας έτσι μια ομάδα μέσα από την αγάπη των blues και της rock μουσικής, νιώθοντας την ανάγκη να κάνουνε κάτι διαφορετικό).

Ημερομηνίες: Τετάρτη 8 - Κυριακή 12 Οκτ
Ώρα : 18:00 - μέχρι αργά το βράδυ
Τόπος: Κερκυραϊκή Μικροζυθοποιϊα, Αρίλλας, Κέρκυρα
Δείτε το πλήρες πρόγραμμαhttp://www.corfubeerfestival.org/Schedule/index.html

Εγγραφείτε στο newsletter μας στέλνοντας μας ένα email στο info@corfubeerfest.gr ή ακολουθώντας τον σύνδεσμο γιαwww.corfubeerfest.gr

Παρασκευή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014


Why not join in the fun and take part in a running race on Saturday 11th October alongside this year’s beer festival? It starts at 1800 and after you will be able to join the festival for some well-deserved beers, food and entertainment!

Entry is free and open to all adults. The 5,000 metre (5 km) race is organised by IA Archilochos, part of the Arillas Cultural Association who are the main sponsors of the Corfu Beer Festival.

In addition, children will be able to enter a 1,000 metre (1 km) race (free entry).

Enter now by emailing info@archilochos-runners.gr or call for more information on 6955240630 and 6977426457 - you can still enter up until 1740 on Saturday 11th at the Secretariat Race point.

Remember: Saturday 11th October after the races, feature band and entertainment that evening include Celtic Storm dancers from Northern Ireland and George Gakis & The Troublemakers !

Sign up for our newsletter by emailing us on info@corfubeerfest.gr or following the link on www.corfubeerfest.gr

Παρασκευή 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014



Along with some specials from Corfu-Beer, you will be able to sample “Welsh Pride” from Conwy Brewery, a classic example of a traditional British bitter using UK Challenger & Goldings hops. The Little Beer Corporation of England will offer “Little Slow”, a lager with a biscuit clean taste, a refreshing beer to suit the sunshine here in Corfu!

Kelburn Brewing Company of Scotland started brewing their “Cart Blanche” here last week, a golden full bodied ale with a touch of wheat and a wonderfully dry aftertaste. Everards Brewery of England was also at the brewery in Arillas last week to start their “Regimental IPA”, an India Pale Ale.

Galway Bay Brewery of Ireland will be serving a variation of their Porter Recipe - Stormy Port.

The newsletter will keep you informed about the festival and what’s happening. Sign up now by emailing us on info@corfubeerfest.gr or following the link on www.corfubeerfest.gr


Μαζί με κάποιες ιδιαίτερες μπύρες της Κερκυραϊκής Μικροζυθοπιϊας , θα είστε σε θέση να δοκιμάσετε την "Welsh Pride" από την Ζυθοποιϊα Conwy ένα κλασικό παράδειγμα της παραδοσιακής βρετανικής πικράδας. Η The Little Beer Corporation Brewery από την Αγγλία,θα σας προσφέρει την "Little Slow" , μια μπύρα lager με γεύση μπισκότου, μια δροσερή μπύρα για να ταιριάζει με την ηλιόλουστη Κέρκυρα!

Η Kelburn Brewing Company της Σκωτίας έβρασε μια μπύρα με το όνομα “Cart Blanche” εδώ την περασμένη εβδομάδα, μια χρυσή μεστή μπύρα με το απαλό άγγιγμα του σιταριού και μια θαυμάσια ξηρή επίγευση. Η Everards Brewery της Αγγλίας ήταν επίσης στο ζυθοποιείο που παρευρέθηκε στον Αρίλλα την περασμένη εβδομάδα για να ξεκινήσει την «Regimental IPA" τους, μία India Pale Ale.

Η Galway Bay Brewery της Ιρλανδίας θα μας προσφέρει μια παραλλαγή της δική τους συνταγή Porter – την Stormy Port .

Με το ενημερωτικό δελτίο θα σας κρατάμε ενήμερους σχετικά με το φεστιβάλ και το τι συμβαίνει. Εγγραφείτε τώρα στέλνοντας μας ένα email στο info@corfubeerfest.gr ή ακολουθώντας τον σύνδεσμο στοwww.corfubeerfest.gr 

Σάββατο 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Beer brewing at its best at the Corfu Beer Microbrewery this week

Graham (Everards Brewery of England) and Claudio of Corfu-Beer ensure everything is correct and all systems are go!

Beer brewing at its best at the Corfu Beer Microbrewery this week

Brewing started this week with some guest brewers from the UK visiting Arillas to ensure quantities and mixes were perfect! Brewing has started and will be overseen during the coming weeks by Claudio Mouzakitis, Head Brewer and Director of Corfu-Beer. 

All beers from the UK and Ireland will be sold by the brewers themselves at the Corfu Beer Festival in a few weeks – save the date to come along and sample a fantastic range of beers and ales in one place! 8th – 12th October!
The newsletter will keep you informed about the festival and what’s happening. Sign up now by emailing us on info@corfubeerfest.gr or following the link on www.corfubeerfest.gr

Ο Graham (Everards Brewery της Αγγλίας) με τον Κλαύδιο της Κερκυραϊκής Μικροζυθοποιϊας όπου εξασφαλίζει ότι όλα πάνε καλά! 

Οι βρασμοί της μπύρας και οι καλύτερες στιγμές στην Κερκυραϊκή Μικροζυθοποιϊα αυτή την εβδομάδα 
Οι βρασμοί ξεκίνησαν την εβδομάδα που πέρασε από ορισμένες φιλοξενούμενες ζυθοποιίες του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου που επισκέφτηκαν τον Αρίλλα ώστε να εξασφαλίσουν ότι οι ποσότητες και οι αναμείξεις θα είναι τέλειες! Όλες τις διαδικασίες όπου έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί και άλλες που θα επακολουθήσουν τις προσεχείς εβδομάδες επιβλέπονται από τον Κλαύδιο Μουζακίτη, επικεφαλή ζυθοποιό και ο Διευθυντή Παραγωγής της Κερκυραϊκής Μικροζυθοποιϊας .

Όλες οι μπύρες από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και η Ιρλανδία θα πωλούνται από τις ίδιες τις ζυθοποιίες στο “Corfu Beer Festival” σε λίγες εβδομάδες – σημειώστε την ημερομηνία για να έρθετε και να δοκιμάσετε μια μοναδική ποικιλία από μπύρες σε μόνο μέρος! 8 - 12 Οκτωβρίου!

Το ενημερωτικό δελτίο θα σας κρατάει ενήμερους σχετικά με το φεστιβάλ και τι συμβαίνει. Εγγραφείτε τώρα στέλνοντας μας ένα email στο info@corfubeerfest.gr ή ακολουθώντας τον σύνδεσμο www.corfubeerfest.gr

Δευτέρα 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014


Today brewing a Golden Ale (best bitter) by the Kelburn brewery from Scotland . Here is Andy Malloy the brewer.

Σήμερα γίνεται ο βρασμός μιας Golden Ale ( η καλύτερη bitter) από την ζυθοποιία Kelburn της Σκωτίας. Στην φωτογραφία βλέπουμε τον ζυθοποιο Andy Malloy

Οι Νικητές του Διαγωνισμού!!!

Ο Δημήτρης , η Δήμητρα, η Μαρία και ο Βαγγέλης. Νικητές του διαγωνισμού μας, τους δόθηκε η ευκαιρία να παρευρεθούν στην παραγωγή μιας μπύρας IPA από την Everards Brewery (Αγγλία). Εμείς θα έχουμε όλοι την ευκαιρία να την δοκιμάσουμε κατα την διάρκεια του φεστιβάλ! 

Παρασκευή 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

The Kelburn Brewing Company (Scotland) and Everards Brewery (England) are in Corfu !!!

Spiros and Sofia Kaloudis from Corfu-Beer meet with Kelburn Brewery, with the President of the local municipality (Angeliki Kaloudi)

This week Corfu-Beer has welcomed Andy and Mark from The Kelburn Brewing Company of Scotland and Graham from Everards Brewery of England to the microbrewery in Arillas. Tomorrow (Saturday 6th September) both brewers will be at the brewery meeting with tourists who are taking part in the weekly tour. Everards start brewing their beer tomorrow and Kelburn on Monday 8th – all in time for the Corfu Beer Festival next month.
At the festival we will see beers from The Little Beer Corporation (England), The Kelburn Brewing Company (Scotland), Conwy Brewery (Wales), Everards Brewery (England) and The Galway Bay Brewery (Ireland).
The newsletter will keep you informed about the festival and what’s happening. Sign up now by emailing us on info@corfubeerfest.gr or following the link on www.corfubeerfest.gr

Τρίτη 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014


5.00 pm – 7.00pm Half hour tours of Corfu-Beer Microbrewery
 Places / time must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

5.30 pm – 6.30pm Local cookery demonstrations
 Places must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

 From Corfu & the UK
Beer & food available throughout the evening

 Dancing and music from Cultural Association Krinis ‘Angelokastro’, Arillas Cultural Club, The Celtic Storm Show from Ireland, Hammersmith Morris Men with the English Morris Dance, Epirotic Society of Corfu and the Pagi Cultural Club
Various music-dance groups from both the UK and Greece will take turns to perform during the first three hours 

10.30pm-until late The Mojo Bunch Blues Band
 English / American Blues


5.00 pm – 7.00pm Half hour tours of Corfu-Beer Microbrewery
 Places / time must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

5.30 pm – 6.30pm Local cookery demonstrations
 Places must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

 From Corfu & the UK
Beer & food available throughout the evening

 Dancing and music from Cultural Association Krinis ‘Angelokastro’, Arillas Cultural Club, The Celtic Storm Show from Ireland, Hammersmith Morris Men with the English Morris Dance, Epirotic Society of Corfu and the Pagi Cultural Club
Various music-dance groups from both the UK and Greece will take turns to perform during the first three hours 

10.30pm-11.30pm Diadomes 78 Strofon
 Greek Blues

11.30pm-until late Splinter Band
 English Rock/Blues/Pop

5.00 pm – 7.00pm Half hour tours of Corfu-Beer Microbrewery
 Places / time must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

5.30 pm – 6.30pm Local cookery demonstrations
 Places must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

 From Corfu & the UK
Beer & food available throughout the evening

 Dancing and music from Cultural Association Krinis ‘Angelokastro’, Arillas Cultural Club, The Celtic Storm Show from Ireland, Hammersmith Morris Men with the English Morris Dance, Epirotic Society of Corfu and the Pagi Cultural Club
Various music-dance groups from both the UK and Greece will take turns to perform during the first three hours 

10.30pm-11.30pm Mashup
 Jazz / Funk / Pop

11.30pm-Until late Three & the Cuckoo Band
 English Rock / Blues / Pop

5.00 pm – 7.00pm Half hour tours of Corfu-Beer Microbrewery
 Places / time must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

5.30 pm – 6.30pm Local cookery demonstrations
 Places must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

 From Corfu & the UK
Beer & food available throughout the evening

 Dancing and music from Cultural Association Krinis ‘Angelokastro’, Arillas Cultural Club, The Celtic Storm Show from Ireland, Hammersmith Morris Men with the English Morris Dance, Epirotic Society of Corfu and the Pagi Cultural Club
Various music-dance groups from both the UK and Greece will take turns to perform during the first three hours 

10.30pm-11.30pm Celtic Storm
Irish River Dance style traditional dancing

11.30pm-until late George Gakis & the trouble Makers
 English / American Rock

5.00 pm – 7.00pm Half hour tours of Corfu-Beer Microbrewery
 Places / time must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

5.30 pm – 6.30pm Local cookery demonstrations
 Places must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

 From Corfu & the UK
Beer & food available throughout the evening

 Dancing and music from Cultural Association Krinis ‘Angelokastro’, Arillas Cultural Club, The Celtic Storm Show from Ireland, Hammersmith Morris Men with the English Morris Dance, Epirotic Society of Corfu and the Pagi Cultural Club
Various music-dance groups from both the UK and Greece will take turns to perform during the first three hours 

10.30pm-11.30pm Beer for Breakfast
 The Greek Celtic band with music from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany and more

11.30pm-12.30pm  Folk 'n' roll
 Greece Music with a reggae funk style

12.30pm-Until Late Splinter Band
 English Rock / Blues / Pop

Παρασκευή 29 Αυγούστου 2014

UK Brewers to come to Corfu in a few days to start brewing their beer for the Corfu Beer Festival

Corfu-Beer is the only real ale producing brewery in Greece and their beer will be served during the festival along with five guest brews from the UK.

Each brewer will work together with Corfu-Beer from Greece to ensure that we will be able to experience a range of different ales and beers of various tastes and strengths. UK brewers are due to arrive at the Corfu-Beer Microbrewery at the beginning of September to start their special brews! At the festival we will see beers from The Little Beer Corporation (England), The Kelburn Brewing Company (Scotland), Conwy Brewery (Wales), Everards Brewery (England) and The Galway Bay Brewery (Ireland). 

The newsletter will keep you informed about the festival and what’s happening. Sign up now by emailing us on info@corfubeerfest.gr or following the link on www.corfubeerfest.gr

Τρίτη 26 Αυγούστου 2014

Ζήστε την εμπειρία του βρασμού της μπύρας για το Corfu Beer Festival

Η Corfu Beer από 4 έως 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014 θα παράγει τις μπύρες του Corfu Beer Festival "Corfu meets the UK"
Η Corfu Beer δίνει τη δυνατότητα μιας μοναδικής εμπειρίας σε 3 τυχερούς επισκέπτες του Corfuland να βράσουν τις μπύρες του "Corfu meets the UK" παρέα με τους Βρετανούς ζυθοποιούς.
Οι τρεις τυχεροί νικητές θα φιλοξενηθούν για μία ημέρα στις εγκαταστάσεις της Corfu Beer και θα συμμετέχουν στον βρασμό από τις μπύρες των Βρετανικών Ζυθοποιείων  που θα απολαύσουμε στο Corfu Beer Festival.
Δηλώστε συμμετοχή για να βράσετε τις μπύρες του Corfu Beer Festival.

Όροι Συμμετοχής:
1. Δηλώστε συμμετοχή έως την Κυριακή 31 Αυγούστου 2014
2. Η κλήρωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί το πρωί της Δευτέρας 1η Σεπτέμβρη 2014 μέσω της ιστοσελίδας http://www.random.org
3. Οι νικητές θα ενημερωθούν μέσω e-mail και sms 
4. Τα βήματα 1, 2 είναι υποχρεωτικά για όσους έχουν λογαριασμό Facebook

Σάββατο 16 Αυγούστου 2014

Corfu-Beer Microbrewery-Half Hour Tours of the Only Real Ale Producing Brewery in Greece

Corfu-Beer is a microbrewery based in Arillas and is Greece’s only real ale producing brewery. Beers from the UK for the Corfu Beer Festival will be produced at the microbrewery and Claudio Mouzakitis, Head Brewer and Director of Corfu-Beer, will be in charge of the production who was also responsible for the creation of the unique Corfu-Beer special, ‘Koroibos Ale’, exclusively produced for the London Olympic Games in 2012.

The festival will take place at the Corfu-Beer grounds this October so why not come early and take a tour of the brewery! Half hour tours will be available between 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm (8th-12th October) - Places / time must be reserved by emailing info@corfubeerfest.gr

Reserve your place now - Free although a small donation for the guide is appreciated at end of tour

Κερκυραϊκή Μικροζυθοποιϊα- Μισή ώρα ξενάγηση στην μοναδική ζυθοποιία παραγωγής Real Ale στην Ελλάδα

Η Κερκυραϊκή Μικροζυθοποιϊα εδρεύει στον Αρίλλα και είναι πρώτο ζυθοποιείο που παρήγαγε μπύρα real ale στην Ελλάδα. Μπύρες από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο για το Κερκυραϊκό Φεστιβάλ Μπύρας θα παραχθούν στην μικροζυθοποιία υπό την επίβλεψη του Κλαύδιου Μουζακίτη, επικεφαλή ζυθοποιό και διευθυντή παραγωγής της Κερκυραϊκής μπύρας, υπεύθυνος για τη δημιουργία της μπύρας, «Koroibos Ale», που παράχθηκε αποκλειστικά για τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες του Λονδίνου το 2012.

Το φεστιβάλ θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο χώρο της Κερκυραϊκής Μικροζυθοποιϊας φέτος τον Οκτώβριο, οπότε γιατί να μην έρθετε νωρίτερα να κάνετε μια ξενάγηση στο ζυθοποιείο! Μισή ώρα ξενάγηση στα μυστικά της μπύρας μεταξύ 17:00 μ.μ. - 19.00 μ.μ. (8 - 12 Οκτώβριου) – Κλείστε θέσεις μέσω email info@corfubeerfest.gr

Κλείστε τη θέση σας τώρα - Δωρεάν ξενάγηση

Τρίτη 15 Ιουλίου 2014

Entertainment from Uk and Greece at this year Corfu Beer Festival!!!

Entertainment from UK and Greece at this year’s Corfu Beer Festival will be included every night so make sure you don’t miss out. A full schedule of entertainment is planned for each evening including dances and bands covering all aspects of the UK and Greece from traditional to modern, and from rock to pop! The famous ‘Celtic Storm’ Irish dance troupe will dance alongside to traditional Irish musicians. More Celtic music will be heard from the Greek group ‘Beer for Breakfast’ along with other well-known and newer music from the UK. The ‘Hammersmith Morris Men’ from England will perform energetic Morris dances.
Every evening there will be a feature band or dance group to entertain including ‘The Mojo Bunch Blues Band’, ‘3 & The Cuckoo Band’ and ‘The Splinter Band’ with English pop rock and blues, Greek traditional folk music, as well as ‘George Gakis & the Troublemakers’.
Cultural Greek dancing will be seen from several Greek dance groups including the Arillas Cultural Club, the Krini Cultural Club ‘Angelokastro’, Epirotic Society of Corfu and the Pagi Cultural Club.
For a full schedule and timings during the week, look out for news on our website www.corfubeerfest.gr and sign up for our newsletter by contacting us on info@corfubeerfest.gr
More information can be found on www.corfubeerfest.gr
We will be sending out regular newsletter updates so stay informed and let us know if you have other friends who should be included in our mailings by contacting us on info@corfubeerfest.gr
Sign up now for more information about the festival, special offers and pre-festival launch events on facebook.com/corfubeerfestival
To find out more, or to talk to us about sponsorship, contact us on info@corfubeerfest.gr or 6976 894095

Τρίτη 8 Ιουλίου 2014

Παρασκευή 27 Ιουνίου 2014

Additional guest brewer confirmed for the Corfu Beer Festival

Conwy Brewery from Wales has confirmed their participation and will produce their beer for the festival this October alongside four other guest brewers from the UK. Also taking part is The Little Beer Corporation (England), The Kelburn Brewing Company (Scotland), Everards Brewery (England) and The Galway Bay Brewery (Ireland).
Conwy Brewery produce a range of cask & bottle conditioned ales suitable for all tastes & occasions and use soft water from the mountains of Snowdonia, malts from Bairds' of Lincolnshire & hops from around the world.
The beers will be produced at the Corfu-Beer microbrewery in Arillas, Corfu and Claudio Mouzakitis, Head Brewer and Director of Corfu-Beer, will be in charge of the production.  He has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the industry and was responsible for the creation of the unique Corfu-Beer special, ‘Koroibos Ale’, exclusively produced for the London Olympic Games in 2012. Claudio said “This is an enormous privilege to work alongside fellow brewers from the UK and to be entrusted with their production at our microbrewery.  We are excited about this joint venture and will ensure that the standards of the UK brewers are upheld”.

More information can be found on www.corfubeerfest.gr

Τετάρτη 25 Ιουνίου 2014


Five guest brewers from the UK taking part at the 2014 Corfu Beer Festival are confirmed as The Little Beer Corporation (England), The Kelburn Brewing Company (Scotland), Conwy Brewery (Wales), Everards Brewery (England) and The Galway Bay Brewery (Ireland).
Each brewer will work together with Corfu-Beer from Greece to ensure that all guests at this year’s annual Corfu Beer Festival (8th-12th October) will be able to experience a range of different ales and beers of various tastes and strengths.  Collaboration between Corfu-Beer and the UK guest brewers will see Corfu-Beer working closely with them in terms of ingredients and equipment so they can produce their own unique beers at the Corfu Microbrewery.   Guest brewers will travel to Corfu a month before the festival for brewing and quality control and October will see the return of the brewers to be able to serve their own brand during the five day festival.
Claudio Mouzakitis, Head Brewer and Director of Corfu-Beer, will be in charge of the production.  He has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the industry and was responsible for the creation of the unique Corfu-Beer special, ‘Koroibos Ale’, exclusively produced for the London Olympic Games in 2012 as well as the ‘Ionian Coffee Porter’ brewed for the Wetherspoon chain in Britain after the International Real Ale Festival competition in 2013. Mouzakitis said “This is an enormous privilege to work alongside fellow brewers from the UK and to be entrusted with their production at our microbrewery.  We are excited about this joint venture and will ensure that the standards of the UK brewers are upheld”.
Two brewers from England will take part.  The Little Beer Corporation is a Guildford based nano-brewery who focuses on quality, variety and creativity and have a motto of “Live a big life, drink a little beer”.  Everards Brewery from Leicestershire will also join to showcase their beers.  They are an independent family brewery established in 1849 and also own more than 170 pubs in the UK where they stock their award-winning ales.
Also taking part is The Kelburn Brewing Company, a family run business based in East Renfrewshire, Scotland.  The company is run by Derek Moore with his son Ross and daughter Karen.  After forming their company in 2001, they commenced brewing in 2002 and over their 12 years in operation their high standard of beer has won them more than 50 industry awards gaining a high reputable position in the trade. 
They have a permanent range of ales including Kelburn Cart Blanche, Cart Noir, Goldihops and Misty Law as well as a seasonal range of ales and specials.  Discussing the opportunity to join the Corfu Beer Festival this October, Kelburn Brewery family member Ross Moore said “We are looking forward to have the chance to brew in a different brew-plant, especially one in another country.  This will give our brewers a great experience and allow them to see if they can achieve similar results as we do here in Scotland”.
From Wales, Conwy Brewery will take part in the Corfu Beer Festival and recently won the Welsh Pale Ale competition with their ‘Honey Pale’.   Guests will also be able to enjoy beers from Ireland produced by The Galway Bay Brewery who believe in full-on flavours in their beers, producing small batches of beers using carefully selected hops to make a tasty brew with a punch!

Visitors to the festival will also be able to have the chance to drink the local beer from Corfu.  Corfu-Beer is a microbrewery based in Arillas and is Greece’s only real ale producing brewery.  The festival itself will take place at the Corfu-Beer grounds this October.  Readers are asked to not miss information about the festival in October.  We will be sending out regular newsletter updates so they can stay informed and be included in our mailings by contacting Sofia Kaloudi on sofiakal@corfubeer.com

more info www.corfubeerfest.gr

Τρίτη 17 Ιουνίου 2014

Guest Brewers at this year’s annual Corfu Beer Festival

Wednesday 8th-Sunday 12th October 2014

Brewers signed up so far for the Corfu Beer Festival - Alongside the popular and local Corfu Beer, we will get to drink some other amazing beers represented by the UK this year at the Corfu Beer Festival.  Confirmed brewers taking part include the Little Beer Corporation from England, with a motto of “Live a big life, drink a little beer”, they are a Guildford based nano-brewery, focused on quality, variety and creativity.
Also taking part is the Kelburn Brewing Company from Scotland, a family run business where over 12 years their high standard of beer has won them more than 50 industry awards gaining a high reputable position in the trade.
We will also have the chance to taste the beers from The Galway Bay Brewery of Ireland who believe in full-on flavours in their beers, producing small batches of beers using carefully selected hops to make a tasty brew with a punch!
Everards Brewery from England, an independent family brewery owning over 170 pubs in the UK where they stock their award-winning ales, will also showcase their beers.
Of course visitors to the festival don’t want the chance to miss out on drinking the Corfu beer!  Corfu-Beer is a microbrewery based in Arillas and is Greece’s only real ale producing brewery.  The festival itself will take place at the Corfu-Beer grounds this October. 

More information can be found on  www.corfubeerfestival.g
We will be sending out regular newsletter updates so stay informed and let us know if you have other friends who should be included in our mailings by contacting Sofia Kaloudi on sofiakal@corfubeer.com

Sign up now for more information about the festival, special offers and pre-festival launch events on facebook.com/corfubeerfestival 

To find out more, or to talk to us about sponsorship, contact us on info@corfubeerfest.com or 0030 6976894095


Παρασκευή 13 Ιουνίου 2014


We are currently signing up partners for this year’s Corfu Beer Festival – there are many ways that you could be involved and ensure your business is promoted and marketed throughout the year alongside the Festival promotion:

  • SPONSOR PARTNER – Talk to us about the branding and promotion you can get in return for the 3 key levels of partnership for 2014 with either RED, GOLD or ROYAL sponsorship

  • LOGO PARTNER – We can provide logo sponsorship in return for as little as € 100 – your logo will be promoted from as soon as you sign up until early 2015 – that’s almost one year’s extra marketing for you!

  • RESTAURANT PARTNER – Speak to us about how you sell your quality food at the Corfu Beer Festival and promote your restaurant to an exclusive audience

  • Contact us now on: info@corfu-beer.com
  • Δευτέρα 9 Ιουνίου 2014



    Corfu Beer founded in 2006 by Spiros & Thanasis Kaloudis. With the vision of creating a world class real ale in Corfu Greece. In 2007 Claudio Mouzakitis joined the team as Head brewer and created our exclusive select beers. Since that date our brewery has gone from strength to strength. Brewing with top class modern equipment our facility now brews 5 different beers and sells throughout Greece.

    Σάββατο 7 Ιουνίου 2014


    Oct 8th-12th 2014 Corfu and 5 breweries will get together to brew some really special beers. The local tavernas will be coming up with some unusual take on regional dishes to perfectly compliment the various beers. Together with some traditional dishes from UK….a gastronomic feast!!

    Every night we are putting on local Greek dancing as well as dancers and music from England / Ireland / Scotland and Wales.
    Later each and every night we will have a major headline band for your entertainment.
    There will be four different pubs serving their own special beer as well as our Corfu beers and wines. Sit and enjoy tasting the beers while sampling the various specially prepared foods.